
Welcome to the werewolf blog

Thanks for checking into this Blog. I have created this so you can see the whole process of building a 1:1 scale werewolf display bust. From concept to final piece I will try and show as much information as possible.

So why have I decided to go for a werewolf? You may be asking yourself. Well over the years there has been many werewolf designs, some have become Icon's Like Rick Baker's beautifully designed creature from John Landis's 1981 dark comedy, An American Werewolf in London. And others maybe didn't work as well like the creature from Brenton Spencer's 2008 Horror flick Never cry Werewolf.

The one thing that is consistent with these designs in my mind is the fact that all of them have similar design elements. The teeth are based on canine teeth, the ears are based on canine ears, and the eyes invariably are based on canine eyes and so on. I began to think to myself that seen as this is a human that has changed into a werewolf what’s to say there couldn't be more human traits in the design.

With this in mind I have begun to research into various areas such as hair colouration, skin colouration, Primate Physiology and of course breed of wolf. Hopefully my design will be at first glance quite traditional but at the same time subtly different.

Anyway enough of me talking about it...

Come back soon for more


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