
Update and eye blanks

Silicone putty used for making eye moulds

Mix equal parts of A and B until they are an even colour

Embed eye into mixed silicone putty

Crimp the silicone up until it forms around the eye

The resin I am using is easy flow 120 from Mouldlife, it is a two part PU resin

Mix equal parts of A and B until fully mixed

Pour the mixed resin into the mould

Here you can see the resin in mid cure

Now the resin is fully cured t is time to de-mould be careful though as the silicone can rip easily.

And here you have two PU resin eye blanks. As these eyes are mouth blown it is important to make a mould of each eye as you can see the difference between them both. It is also important to mark both the eye and the blank so you know which side of the sculpt the eyes should fit in. I use two dots on one eye and one dot on the other.

Hi all,
Sorry its been a while but I have been lucky enough to have been working at Millennium FX for the last couple of weeks. Anyway I'm back now and I'm going to carry on with this project for a while. Before I carry on I just wanted to say that the maquette I posted will have quite a few changes made on it over the next few days. I noticed it wasn't looking that much like my earlier sketches so watch out for updates on that.

So, eye blanks! well the reason I always make eye blanks is so I can use them in my sculpts instead of the actual eyes. This is for a couple of reasons, one so as not to damage the actual eyes and two the eye blanks will be drilled and tapped so they can be bolted in the mould when the silicone skin is run. This will mean there is no silicone flashing to clean up around the eyes making the lids fit perfectly.

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